My Story of Service

The Locally-Produced Program Featuring Local Heroes
More than 1,800 U.S. Veterans die each and every day. Lost forever are the knowledge, the wisdom, and the truth of their experience. We hope that this series, MY STORY OF SERVICE, allows current and future generations to learn from those who have selflessly served our country.
The program features local Veterans, from World War II through Iraq and Afghanistan. Each Veteran tells personal stories of their service. Coming from a variety of wars, branches of service, and experiences, they relate a few humorous stories and little known facts about interesting historical moments to describing the memories and sometimes demons that haunt them.
If you would like to help us create future episodes of My Story of Service, please call us at 541-779-0808.
Story Segments
Each program features from one to two individual Veterans telling us about their service experience, from enlistment to deployment and back home again.It has been our honor to talk with the Veterans who came and shared their stories. We all have a greater appreciation of what they went through and the service and sacrifices they made for our country.
Through their generous sponsorship support, these companies have brought the stories of local veterans to you. Please let these sponsors know how much you appreciate the programs. If you would like to become a major funder of future episodes of My Story of Service and receive on-air recognition, please contact Robert Mead at 541-779-5653.
Major Funding Provided By: